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Server applications

This page describes the procedures for deploying and interacting with server applications. The instructions refer to the deployments on AWS Elastic Container Service, using Fargate containers, and relying on standard server infrastructure (TODO add link). Deployments are carried out using Bitbucket Pipelines.


In order to carry out the operations described below, the following software should be installed on the development machine:

In order to operate on a project, the AWS user needs to be configured. The recommended way to proceed is to set up a different named profile for each project. Eventually, ~/.aws/credentials should contain a list of projects, something like this (adding the region is highly recommended, so that there’s no need to type it for each command

aws_access_key_id = XXXXXX
aws_secret_access_key = XXXXXX
region = eu-central-1


Deployment can be initiated by pushing to the environment branch (nightly, staging and production, as described here). For instance ,from the develop branch, a nightly deployment can be initiated by typing this and the staging pipeline will start:

git push origin develop:nightly

TIP: if you get BitBucket errors, you might need to add --force

The deployment can be monitored in real time from the Bitbucket website (in the Pipelines page of the relevant repository) or using the VS Code extension. What happens behind the scenes is completely described in bitbucket-pipelines.yml (in the project root).


Docker tasks are configured using environment variables. Very often, special .env files are used and are subsequently uploaded on an S3 bucket. These files should be placed in the aws folder in the project and SHOULD NOT be committed. Configuration changes can be applied by just copying new versions to the bucket using a command like this (for nightly environment):

aws s3 cp aws/nightly.env s3://coolproject-nightly-server-storage/env/nightly.env --profile coolproject

Path and filenames should be changed for different environments. After uploading a new configuration file, redeployment needs to take place for changes to be included. New *.env files should be thus uploaded BEFORE starting a new pipeline.


Combined logs can be streamed for all containers in a task with this command (for nightly environment):

awslogs get /ecs/coolproject-nightly-server ALL --watch -G --profile coolproject

Interactive tasks

Sometimes running interactive tasks on the server (like seeding or a console) is required. Now, this is slightly more complex, because one needs to identify the ID of the task in execution so that a command can be run into it (this is very similar to docker-compose exec). First of all, all tasks in a service should be listed (this is for nightly)…

aws ecs list-tasks --cluster infra-nightly-cluster --service-name coolproject-nightly-server-service --profile coolproject

…which returns something like this:

    "taskArns": [

fdsjfdksfnji2923kdsi239jew9ji432 is the task ID. At this point, one can simply execute a command in the task, this is for an interactive Rails console:

aws ecs execute-command --cluster infra-nightly-cluster --task fdsjfdksfnji2923kdsi239jew9ji432 --container app --command "bundle exec rails console" --interactive --profile coolproject

IMPORTANT: pay attention to the --cluster and --service-name arguments, when in doubt look it up on the project credentials.